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Deus Ex - Mankind divided

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Albert Einstein said: "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of pathological criminal." Took me awhile, but I finally see his point. How often have we chased the dream of progress, only to see that dream perveted? More often than not, haven't the machines we built to improve life shattered the lives of millions? And now we want to turn that dream on ourselves, to fundamentally improve who we are. Experience has shown me how dangerous that can be. How many times, in the call of duty, did I almost fall into the trap of taking shortcuts, abusing my abilities or the resources at hand? I resisted - barely at times - because I valued human lives and considerations. But can I truly despise others who fall? Technology offers us strength, strength enables dominance, and dominance paves the way for abuse. Darrow understood this. He knew that using technology to become something more than we are risks losing our ability to love, aspire, or make moral choices - the very things that make us Human. It also risks giving some men the power to make others what they choose - regardless of the cost to human dignity. The suffering Darrow inflicted is not the end of the world. It is merely the seed for change. And change never comes without pain.

 Deus Ex - Invisible War



Es ist besser in der Hölle zu herrschen, als im Himmel zu dienen.
J. Milton "Paradise Lost" (1667)


“Frieden kommt oft nur durch Einsamkeit in das Herz des Kriegers"